Niceness generally ranges from-20 to19, with-20 being the most favorable or highest priority for scheduling and19 being the least favorable or lowest priority. niceness的范围一般从-20到19,-20表示调度优先级最高,19表示优先级最低。
Remember that processes with the lowest priority value run at highest scheduling priority, so think of increasing the priority value as being nice to other processes. 记住,具有最低优先级值的进程运行时有最高调度优先级,因此可以这样记忆,增加优先级值对于其他进程而言更好(nice)。
The VIO Server with the lowest Trunk priority is the primary adapter. 具有最低的Trunkpriority值的VIO服务器为主适配器。
You can see that fairness in the example provided in this article, where all processes are given access to the processor& even the lowest priority. 您可以在本文中提供的示例中看到此公平性,其中所有进程都被授予了对服务器的访问,即便是最低的优先级。
They are outsiders, the lowest priority, disposable and quickly forgotten. 他们是外来人、最无关紧要的人、可以舍弃掉的、迅速忘记的人。
The Level class defines seven standard log levels, ranging from FINEST ( the lowest priority, with the lowest value) to SEVERE ( the highest priority, with the highest value). Level类中定义了7种标准日志级别,从最低的FINEST到最高的SEVERE。
The IRQ signal is delivered to the local APIC of the processor that is executing the process with the lowest priority. IRQ信号送给正在执行最低优先级进程的处理器的局部APIC。
The command has a range of-20 ( highest priority) to19 ( lowest priority) and the default priority is0. 这个命令把程序优先级的值设置为从-20(最高优先级)到19(最低优先级)之间的任何一个整数值,而默认的值是0。
The idle task can be hard-coded into the scheduler, or it can be implemented as a separate task with the lowest possible priority. 空闲任务可以被硬编码在调度中,也可以把实现为一个具有最低优先权的独立任务。
If two or more CPUs share the lowest priority, the load is distributed between them using a technique called arbitration. 如果2个或更多的CPU共享最低的优先级,则使用一种将在仲裁的计数在它们之间进行负载划分。
On the lowest priority node, right-click the host name, select control host, and click stop. 在优先级最低的节点上,右键单击宿主名称,选择“控件宿主”,然后单击“停止”。
The identifier of arbitrator should be lowest priority in the network first. 系统首先设定仲裁者在网络中的标识符的优先级是最低的,因此,凡是从生产者发送到仲裁者的消息的优先级低于从仲裁者发送的消息。
Was the lowest. Priority Ordination and Evaluation for Conservation of Forest Compartments in Nature Reserve 16林班森林面积比重低,整体结构不合理;自然保护区林班优先保护排序与评价
Namely the lowest frequency subband is encoded separately, the ordered quad-tree is defined in high frequency subbands so that the important wavelet coefficients are transmitted by priority, and the run-length is applied. 即对低频子带进行单独编码,在高频子带内通过定义有序四叉树,以优先传输重要小波系数,对量化的结果作行程编码。
A task will be assigned the highest priority if the deadline of its current request is the nearest, and will be assigned the lowest priority if the deadline of its current request is the furthest. 当前发生请求的任务的截止期最近,该任务的优先级最高,反之,该任务的优先级最低。
The plan of lowest breakeven point has the maximum ability of taking a risk, it's a first priority plan; 盈亏临界点最低的方案能承受的风险最大,为优先考虑的方案;
The S Yunnan population with the highest genetic diversity and the Hainan population with the lowest genetic diversity should be equally given priority for conservation. 应该给予具有最高遗传多样性的滇南群体和具有最低遗传多样性的海南群体最优先的保护。
How to get the best disaster recovery effect with the lowest cost, that should be given priority consideration by every information system, Organizations need to do disaster recovery planning of digital business both the macro and micro levels. 如何以最低的成本取得最佳的容灾效果,是每一个信息系统建设应当优先考虑的问题,需要组织机构在宏观与微观两个层面上做好数字业务的容灾规划。
To reduce those impacts to the lowest level was a priority for each administration. 如何把移民带来的负面影响降到最低程度是历届美国政府需要解决的问题。